

Welcome to Home of Lifetime Deals

Life is too short for bad deals – we get it. That’s why LTDSAASGURU offers you the best and up-to-date reviews,insights and information so you can make the right decisions quickly and confidently.

Our product reviews are comprehensive and unbiased, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about which SaaS product is right for your business.

We provide detailed reviews and ratings on some of the best SAAS deals so you can pick the right one.

Our carefully curated deals ensure that we offer only the best SaaS products and deals to our users, giving you peace of mind when making a purchase.

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Register your shelfware which you wish to sell with requested details.


LTDSAASGURU team will verify the authenticity of the software and the seller before deal goes live for user to buy.


Seller gets payment via paypal once the transaction is complete. All deals are final once the deals are sold.


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I recently joined the LTDsaasGuru Buy and Sell group, and I must say that it has been a game-changer for me. The reviews of lifetime deals that are posted by other members are extremely informative and have helped me make informed decisions about the deals that I invest in. The group has also helped me discover new software that I didn’t even know existed. I highly recommend this group to anyone who is looking to invest in lifetime deals.



If you’re like me and love to invest in lifetime deals, then the LTDsaasGuru Buy and Sell group is a must-join group. The group has a vast community of like-minded individuals who are always on the lookout for the next big lifetime deal. The reviews of the deals are thorough, and the comments from other members are helpful in making a decision. The admins are also very responsive and helpful in answering any questions that I have. I have already invested in a few deals based on the recommendations from this group, and I’m very happy with my purchases.



I’ve been a member of the LTDsaasGuru Buy and Sell group for a while now, and I must say that it is one of the best communities for lifetime deal enthusiasts. The group has a vast database of lifetime deals, and the reviews of the deals are thorough and unbiased. The group also has a buy and sell section, which makes it easy to buy and sell lifetime deals. I have made a few purchases from this group, and I’m very happy with my investments. I highly recommend this group to anyone who is looking to invest in lifetime deals.

LTDSAASGURU is you're go to place to find the curated Lifetime Deals & and detailed reviews of LTD's.


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Hey there 👋 I'm Suhas Bhat.