Our Process

If you are looking for a way to sell your unused SAAS tools, you have come to the right place.At LTDSAASGURU, we have a well-developed process in place to help you do just that! LTDSAASGURU provides a marketplace for selling old lifetime deals. Here’s how it works:

Step 1:

We first verify the user and the deals they own. This means that every deal listed on our site has been thoroughly vetted for authenticity of the deals the user owns and they wish to sell.

Step 2:

Listing the deal that has been verified. Our team of experts evaluates each deal to ensure quality and accuracy.

Step 3:

Our experts handpick and vet each deal and list on the site. This means that you can access exclusive deals that are no longer available,as well as be rest assured you can also find missed deals.

Step 4:

We pride ourselves on offering the best possible human support within 72 working hours.

While we strive to minimize errors between buyers and sellers, please keep in mind that all deals listed on our site are considered final and cannot be refunded once purchased and there are chances these users are resellers and we they might have taken sly methods to claim they own the deal. Having said that, we guarantee that all sellers go through rigorous quality check to ensure they are the rightful owner or have purchased the deal. If we find any user not true during the onboarding process, users will be permanently banned.

At ltdsaasguru, our goal is to help you sell your unused SAAS deals quickly and easily. If you have questions about our process or would like to learn more about our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a Saas Founder, I would like to post deal on LTDSAASGURU, where do we start?

Please reach us at [email protected] for listing founder deals on the marketplace.

I have more than 1 deals to be listed on the site. Can I do bulk listing?

Yes, we allow bulk listing of your deals, however we would still need to verify the authenticity of the deals you own. Reach out to us on chat, we will share a google excel sheet for you to submit all your deals at once and the price you wish to sell. We charge a small fee of $10 to for submitting 10 bulk deals.

I have more than 10 deals to be published. How do we go about it?

You can join our VIP program at $29 per quarter and you can post bulk deals on the platform.

How do I get paid for the deals which get sold from the marketplace?

Currently, we will follow manual process. Customer can connect directly with you over linkedin, twitter or facebook. All transactions will be over paypal. User pays you over paypal and can communicate over email or social media. Post payment seller will share required details to the buyer.

LTDSAASGURU is you're go to place to find the curated Lifetime Deals & and detailed reviews of LTD's.


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Hey there 👋 I'm Suhas Bhat.